Team practice session solidifies our Open Championships game plan
JEFF RICHGELS | Posted: Saturday, April 7, 2012 10:00 am
Turbo 2-N-1 Grips 1 after taking the lead in team event at the 2011 USBC Open Championships. Picture by United States Bowling Congress.
Holding a team practice session has become a tradition that absolutely contributes to the USBC Open Championships success our Turbo 2-N-1 Grips group has enjoyed.
We get together late on a Friday afternoon at Odyssey Fun Center, the center Steve Richter manages in Sheboygan Falls. When we're done, we head to Legend Larry's for great wings, beverages and "de-briefing."
It's business and bonding.
Steve has become a wizard at putting down the Open Championships pattern and giving a similar look...