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Amanda Turner wins all-events, Sarah Maciejeski singles, Patty Nelson and Kristy Werronen doubles, The Misfits team at 2023 Madison Area USBC Women’s City Tournament

JEFF RICHGELS | Posted: Thursday, March 2, 2023 6:00 pm
Amanda Turner wins all-events, Sarah Maciejeski singles, Patty Nelson and Kristy Werronen doubles, The Misfits team at 2023 Madison Area USBC Women’s City Tournament
Eight players won the eight titles at the 2023  Madison Area Women’s Championships — aka the Women’s City Tournament — that ran weekends Feb. 11-26 at Rude’s Lanes in DeForest. Amanda Turner won the all-events, Sarah Maciejeski singles, Patty Nelson and Kristy Werronen doubles, and The Misfits team, according to results posted here. Turner fired 677 in team, 613 in doubles, and 667 in singles for 1,957 all-events, edging Maciejeski by eight pins....