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Collin Krachey, Erica Lohr named 2019-20 Madison Area USBC Youth Bowlers of the Year

JEFF RICHGELS | Posted: Friday, May 15, 2020 4:00 pm
Collin Krachey, Erica Lohr named 2019-20 Madison Area USBC Youth Bowlers of the Year
Erica Lohr, left, and Collin Krachey, right, are the 2019-20 Madison Area USBC Youth Bowlers of the Year. Photo by Madison Area USBC.
Collin Krachey and Erica Lohr have been named Madison Area USBC Youth Bowlers of the Year for 2019-20, the association announced Friday. The boys honor is named for Lowell Maves and the girls honor for Sandy Stanley. One of my favorite stats from the abbreviated 2019-20 season is that Lohr, who had a perfect game, rolled the highest series by a Madison area youth bowler with a 790 and Allison Dempski was next with 774, while Krachey was only third at 773. Here are the details on the two...